The treetops grew even in height with each other, and became denser, like meticulously landscaped hedgerows. The road leveled out for a stretch so Jamaal and I took advantage of this opportunity, but my bike felt differently. DISASTER STRUCK ! The rear derailleur snapped completely off of my bike. (Don't worry. It's not important that you know what this means or this part's function. Just know that it keeps the bike from moving forward.) I guess you could say that this was a minor setback. A video of this can be viewed here. No worries, though. I brought a spare bike. My trusty ol' blue, Mike the Bike.He came to the rescue and allowed me and Jamaal to travel 70 miles today to Quincy, Florida. When we arrived at Quincy, we drove to Tallahassee in search of a bike store and we found a place that fixed it. So thank you Sunshine Cycles for staying open later than normal to fix my bike. We finally found a hotel after driving around for nearly an hour, and after such a long day ( We didn't get off the bikes until 6PM.) I must admit that I am pretty tired. So If you would excuse me, I will have a more substantial update tomorrow. (Pictures, video, the like...) But before I do, I'll leave you with this.
The Lost, Road Artifacts: Part 3
Night folks !
John and Jamaal.
P.S. Please enjoy Jamaal's beautiful craftsmanship.
- One dirty sock. Perhaps of the gym variety.
- One Nike sneaker. Looked like a Runner or maybe a Cross-Trainer.
- Female undergarments.
- A Glove. (Without the hand.)
Night folks !
John and Jamaal.
P.S. Please enjoy Jamaal's beautiful craftsmanship.

Don't play the pushing game with your pedalling, just spin. If you find yourself pushing just go to the next easier gear. Stay relaxed even when it hurts.
You guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys are doing awesome. I wish I could have joined you on your journey. Speaking of Journey, I have have the song "Don't Stop Believin'" stuck in my head. But anyways, I hope you guys are I having fun and be safe. See you in Philly.
From your favorite cuz,
I'm so happy to hear that Mike the Bike was there!! That's an AMAZING BIKE!!! Jamaal they do make dog repellant, you might want to get some! Well Day wasn't too bad I guess. KEEP IT UP!!
love ya,
Bri Bri
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